Columbia Kermit
000049_news@columbia.edu_Fri Nov 4 11:25:45 1994.msg
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From: jrd@cc.usu.edu (Joe Doupnik)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Kermit and PCMCIA Cards
Message-Id: <1994Nov4.172545.32061@cc.usu.edu>
Date: 4 Nov 94 17:25:45 MDT
References: <39c0c0$g3a@knot.queensu.ca>
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In article <39c0c0$g3a@knot.queensu.ca>, mike@ccs.QueensU.CA (Mike Smith) writes:
> Can anyone offer any general advice on getting Kermit to work with
> PCMCIA cards? They are not explicitly mentioned in the beware file
> but they seem to be trouble. Is it just that the people I've met
> don't have their card installed properly? Is there something about
> these beasts that make them nastier to support than an internal modem?
No, those little guys aren't specifically mentioned because we
lack any useful information to offer (translation: I have no laptop. $$$)
Folks will have to struggle to load the proper mysterious drivers to handle
the plug-in card and hope for the best.
I can imagine anything requiring user intervention will cause
difficulties to tech support persons, but the proper channel for help with
such cards is probably the card mfr or the laptop maker. The task is to
make the card look like a proper serial port (or Ethernet adapter, etc)
and that's the purpose of those drivers. Only afterward does Kermit come
into the picture.
Joe D.